NAME | RULES* *In case of non-compliance with the RULES, Raben Ukraine LLC reserves the right to unilaterally refuse to provide services/return the cargo to the nearest distribution centre without applying any sanctions, having informed the Customer in advance. Repeated delivery is possible upon submission of an additional application by the Customer and upon payment for such delivery. |
Pallet weight with hydraulic lift | When ordering the transport of goods by a truck with a hydraulic lift for unloading and/or loading, the following rules apply: - The maximum pallet weight when loading and unloading from a vehicle with a forklift is no more than 450 kg.
When delivering cargo weighing more than 450 kg/1 pallet, Raben Ukraine LLC does not unload using a hydraulic lift. In this case, unloading from the truck body is carried out by the Consignee. |
Delivery to Epicentre and New Line | Goods are delivered to Epicentre and Nova Liniya shopping malls according to the following requirements of the recipient: - The service of returning documents is not provided;
- Delivery to the Epicentre is carried out only if the Consignor's stamp or other notes (if the company operates in business) are present on the transport document;
- Transport document and the consignment note must be dated on the same date.
Deliveries are made according to the schedule . |
Delivery to the private enterprise RC Tochka | Delivery to RC Tochka and its subsequent counterparties: - Ideal Trading LLC
- Pivdenagroexport LLC
- Network Tochka LLC
Only by appointment to the electronic queue from the consignor. |
Delivery to the Aurora shopping centre | Goods delivered to the Aurora RC and its subsequent counterparties: - Lafesta Ltd;
- Klioset LLC;
- Andrusenko, private entrepreneur;
- Pobigailo, private entrepreneur;
- Napole Invest LLC;
- Vygidna Pokupka LLC.
must be packed exclusively in compliance with the rules for packaging the goods specified in the supply agreement concluded with this recipient: - Each item of goods must be on a separate pallet - 120x80x14,5 sm;
- The transport packaging of the goods must not protrude beyond the dimensions of the pallet;
- The maximum height of the pallet with the goods, including the height of the pallet base, is 170 sm;
- The maximum height of a pallet sandwich is 200 sm, including the height of the pallet base;
- The permissible maximum weight of a pallet with goods is 700 kg;
- The goods must be wrapped in transparent stretch film.
- The goods must be packed on a pallet without damage, in accordance with the requirements of the Aurora RC.
Delivery to RC Alliance Market | Goods are delivered to the Alliance Market RC according to the following requirements of the recipient: - In the "Related documents" column, enter the number of the invoice;
- In the column "Information about the cargo" - enter the total amount including VAT (according to the TI);
- All data of the driver who delivers the goods.
Delivery to the ATB shopping centre | Services that are not provided by the Supplier when delivered to the ATB RC: - Pallet return service (ROP);
- Box layout service (CAS).
Goods are delivered to the ATB RC according to the following requirements of the recipient: - Before delivery, supplier must register and confirm the order on the procurement platform. In this case, the invoice number indicated on the procurement platform must be identical to the number of the actual invoices accompanying the goods;
- Supplier must register the delivery date on the Logistic Union platform;
- At the time of registration of the vehicle at the checkpoint of ATB Market LLC, there must be a confirmation of the order from the Consignee;
- Each item of goods must be on a separate pallet;
- The height of the pallet with the goods should not exceed 160 cm.
In case of non-compliance with these rules, ATB-Market LLC reserves the right to return the cargo and documents to the driver with a refusal to accept the goods. Delivery to the ATB Kopyliv RC takes place according to the schedule. For acceptance of the goods by the consignee at the ATB Market No. 22 RC in Nerubaiske: - boxes must have at least two barcodes on different sides;
- expiry date must be indicated on the box.
Delivery to the Metro shopping centre | Delivery of goods to the Metro shopping centre takes place according to the schedule, including the Nfood or DRY food platform. The goods must be sent by the client one day (working) before the scheduled delivery date. Metro shopping centre accepts alcohol and chemicals on the same day as NFood. |
Delivery to Foodcom LLC | Goods are delivered to Foodcom LLC according to the following requirements of the recipient: - goods must be packed exclusively on euro pallets;
- the order number must be indicated on the waybill;
- stickers in Ukrainian only;
- orders are accepted only on the basis of original documents. Scanned documents are not accepted;
- delivery of goods according to the schedule.
ATTENTION! Informing about comments during the acceptance of the goods is not carried out because the driver's phone is handed over to the security service. |
Delivery of Auchan LLC | The goods are delivered by Auchan LLC according to the following requirements of the recipient: - the correct name of the recipient must be indicated in the transport document;
- amount of the items must be correctly indicated in the transport document;
- all documents must be filled in without grammatical errors;
- documents must contain correct date;
- barcode on the products must be present;
- order/supplier number must be present in the documents;
- a full package of supporting documents must be available;
- recipient's mandatory article must be indicated;
- documents must be filled out exclusively in the state language;
- cargo indicated in the documents must correspond to the cargo that actually arrived at the recipient.
Delivery to Megamarket shopping centre | Delivery of goods to the Megamarket shopping centre is carried out according to the schedule, including for legal entities: - TERKAP
- SARGAS 2023
Upon delivery of the cargo, the additional service CAS (Cargo Article Sorting) is automatically charged to the specified recipients, taking into account the box layout: The weight of one box should not exceed 15 kg. The maximum number of boxes to be sorted is 500 pcs. In case of refusal of this service, the boxes must be provided: - or scheduled in advance by the consignor, taking into account the requirements of the consignee;
- or laid out by the consignee.
Delivery of RC Tavria (Odesa) | The goods are delivered by RC Tavria according to the following requirements of the recipient: - goods must be packed exclusively on euro pallets;
- each item of goods must be on a separate pallet;
- before the delivery, Customer must receive an order confirmation from Tavria RC;
- electronic delivery confirmation (EDI) from Tavria RC must be received one day before the scheduled delivery date;
- RC Tavria does not return pallets on the day of delivery. The pallets are picked up as they are accumulated, by separate order.
Cargoes of RC Tavria are accepted until 12:00 |
Delivery by Numis LLC | To deliver goods to the consignee of Numis LLC, the Consignee field of transport document shall contain only the legal address of the Consignee: - 49018, Dnipro, Slavy Blvd. 7К.
Delivery to Delicate Retail LLC | Goods are delivered to Delicate Retail LLC according to the following requirements of the recipient: - Acceptance of the goods takes place exclusively by appointment at a precisely specified time and with a pass ordered by the customer in advance
Returns and delivery times | The mandatory rules for processing a return are the availability of a consignment note on the basis of which domestic road transport is carried out (Article 48 of the Law of 05.04.01 No. 2344-III), which is issued by the Customer (or Shipper). When placing a return order, the Customer shall: - arrange for the availability of a consignment note and/or a return certificate;
- register the order in MyOrder or MyOffer on the myRaben platform;
- organise the palletisation of the goods in the cargo area (according to the rules of palletisation of goods).
The delivery time for return shipments is 7 business days. In case of non-compliance with the rules of registration, the return period may be extended until the necessary documents are received and/or the cargo is properly prepared and/or the order is registered for further transportation. |
Registration of transport document | Pursuant to Regulation No. 363, the Customer (shipper) shall issue 6 (six) copies of the consignment note prior to shipment. The mandatory rules for issuing a consignment note are as follows: - Full details of the sender: Name, position, stamp and signature;
- Filled in the "accompanying documents" field;
- Sufficient number of transport document for delivery (six copies);
- A stapled package of documents in a file;
- Full details of the recipient (signature, stamp, full name, position), current phone number.
In case of non-compliance with the rules of paperwork, the client is responsible for the risks associated with the refusal to accept the goods, drawing up an act, etc. shall be borne by the client. |
ROP not for a service | If you create an order for the return of pallets NOT using the ROP (Return of Pallets) service, but by a separate application: - the number of pallet spaces must be specified in the order with the calculation of 1 pallet space = 14 pallets
Recipients who do not return expenditure note on the day of acceptance of the goods: | - OKKO LLC, Borshchahivka village (08131)
- OKKO-Retail LLC m. Gorodok (index 81500)
- Style D LLC
- RUSH Lviv LLC (367 Horodotska Street)
- RUSH Dnipro LLC (1 Proizvodichna St., Dnipro)
- RUSH Brovary LLC (127 Onikienko Oleg Str., Brovary)
- Omega LLC
- Profitable Purchase LLC
- Alians Market LLC
- EKO-MARKET LLC (08325, Shchaslyve village, Demydova str. 2)
- NVP-Argon Ltd. Vinnytsia (zip code 21021)
- Leroy Merlin Ukraine LLC m. Brovary, Brovarska bypass 68
- Epicentre and ‘NOVA LINIA’ shopping centres and shopping malls
- Numis LLC