One of the biggest logistics operators in Europe, Raben Group, has just signed a seven-year agreement with PGE Obrót for the purchase of green energy (Power Purchase Agreement). Pursuant to the agreement, Raben in Poland will use 100% zero-emission energy starting from 2023. Dedicated photovoltaic farms will be built to meet the needs of the logistics operator. The long-term agreement will be in force from 2023 until the end of 2029.
“I am very pleased that all of our facilities will be powered by 100% green energy from photovoltaic farms. This will reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to the implementation of our Sustainability Strategy.” - said Ewald Raben, CEO Raben Group, and stressed - “If we don't take care of our planet now, our children will have a problem. That's the reason why we want to be a trendsetter in the market in terms of sustainability, not only by having green trucks but through all the processes which we make as environmentally friendly as possible. Signing the agreement with PGE is another step to actively support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and an opportunity for green investments in our country.”
This means that new locations generating green energy will appear on the map of Poland thanks to Raben Group. There will be several dedicated photovoltaic farms with the total area of about 40 ha and the total capacity of about 35 MWp, providing 35,000 MWh of electricity per year - it is the entire demand for electricity of all Raben facilities in Poland. Construction of the first farm will begin at the beginning of 2022.
"PGE Group will build photovoltaic farms which will supply green electricity to fully cover the demand of Raben Group in Poland. The developed cooperation model will combine the competences of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, PGE Energia Odnawialna and PGE Obrót. This is the first contract of this kind in PGE Group and another step in the implementation of our new strategy. We lead in the green change, we deliver green energy to our clients and at the same time we are a company which provides them with knowledge and professional advisory on the changing market" - says Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
It is also worth mentioning that Raben has also contracted renewable energy for the period from 2021 to 2022, which significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. However, the agreement with PGE signed this year contributes to the creation of new photovoltaic farms on the map of Poland.
The Group has been consistently implementing its Sustainability Strategy, one of the main goals of which is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The recently signed green power purchase agreement (PPA) will certainly contribute to this.
The company has also taken a number of other steps over the years to reduce its carbon footprint. We rely, among other things, on a modern fleet, energy-efficient warehouses and offices, and the optimal organization of transport, as well as tools taking advantage of modern technology and software (Smartour, CO2calculator).
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