In order to meet the needs of its managers and drawing on the latest research on the effectiveness of gamifications, Raben Group decided to launch a completely innovative development program called the Manager of Choice. What will be happening in the company from September to December 2020 is the result of many months of work and many training sessions with the managers from all countries of the Group. Thanks to the programme, the company was able to develop best management practices, i.e. a comprehensive educational material for managers containing specific examples of positive behaviours. This material was first passed on to managers during training sessions. After the training stage, since Raben has a DRIVE to innovatively consolidate the acquired knowledge, the company organized a gamification for the managers.
“Gamification is about passing on a certain amount of knowledge in such a way that in its structure it resembles a plot of a game. So, the participants of the programme will be competing in the virtual world of gamification to gain unique goods (e.g. seeds or fruit) and fight against adversity (e.g. pest attacks) to achieve the desired goal and prizes. The gamification is all about competition, cooperation...and fun. Assimilating new knowledge in this situation is connected with a surge of dopamine and many positive experiences.” – says Anita Koralewska-Ratajczak, HR Group Director.
The Manager of Choice gamification is divided into 5 stages: recruitment, onboarding, development, daily work, leaving the organization. So, during the programme the managers will acquire knowledge in line with the employee experience cycle. The tasks they will be faced with will concern a wide variety of situations. In order to make the tasks on the platform as engaging and diverse as possible, most of them require open answers or real actions and cooperation with the team. Therefore, a team of more than 40 assessors has been selected, who will check the managers' responses over the coming months.
The added value of the whole game is the support of the charges of the foundation “Smile and Joy of Children”. Managers who complete a stage/round of the game by giving at least 60% of correct answers will receive a token which will allow for financing one foreign language lesson/session with a psychologist or speech therapist.
The “Smile and Joy of Children” Foundation provides assistance to disabled and ill children, in particular victims of a road accident whose disability or illness resulted from participating in a road accident. It also aids children hurt in their families; from poor families, especially those with many children; and children in difficult life situations, with particular emphasis on education and development. The Foundation was created in 2016 by Ilona and Ewald Raben.
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