Raben Group is once again the Best Logistics Operator for the FMCG sector

On October 15, 2015, Raben Group received two separate awards in two different parts of Europe.

During the "European 3PL Summit" organized in Venlo, the Netherlands, Raben Group was distinguished with this year's 3PL award in the category: Best 3PL for Fresh Food Supply Chains.On the same day in Warsaw, during the "FDI Poland Investor Awards" gala, an independent jury consisting of 24 commercial attaches from embassies presented awards to the best foreign investors in Poland.

Raben Group received the award for the Top Investor of the Year from the Benelux Countries. The criteria for the award were based not only on the data concerning the number investments and the number of people employed in Poland. They also took into account the innovativeness of the company, its strategic importance for the Polish economy and the leadership in the sector.

"Receiving two independent awards at the same time, in two parts of Europe, seems significant. Particularly that they have been presented by different stakeholders. The award for the Best 3PL for Fresh Food Supply Chains is decided by 3PL Customers whereas the award for the best foreign investors in Poland is presented by experts from embassies. The presented awards prove that we are investing, developing and Customer Service is a priority for us. We are consistent in achieving our vision which is becoming a leader everywhere we are”  comments Aleksander Kuniczuk, Marketing Director, Raben Group.